Here's the thing: I have 2 tickets to give away to this super-awesome-cool party Tommy Hilfiger is throwing next thursday - april 1st in Brussels.

But first: here's 4 reasons why I think you should ALL go:
1. It's thursday night. What are you going to do, watch some silly Rom Com by yourself?
2. Did I mention it is going to be awesome? The line-up for this party is amazing, some of my favourite artists are playing: Das Pop - French Horn Rebellion - Team William - Motor - Pase Rock - Cosy Mozzy - Mickey - Wirspielen.
Don't know 'em? Well get to know them, you'll love them. (people following me on twitter already know I'm quite the music lover! - I hope you're not bored of my 'song of the day' feature just yet!)
Here's something to get you in the mood:
Das Pop// Belgium's finest pop-band, awesome performers ( I know what I'm talking about, their shows are Ah-mazing) and well, listen to the song & you'll get why I'm raving about them.
French Horn Rebellion//
Team William//
COSY MOZZY// Cosy Mozzy is not only a great DJ, he's also 1/2 of one of my latest music-crushes: Mustang!
3. If these first 2 didn't win you over already, maybe this one will: do it for me. Why? As much as I'd love to go,I unfortunately won't be able to make it to the party (thanks professor for scheduling an exam nice & early on friday morning) so I need you all to have some fun for me, and hell, drink one on Yes Please Mademoiselle!
4. Well, get in for free! I have a pair of tickets to give away, all you need to do is e-mail me and tell me what YOU would ask Bent & the rest of the Das Pop crew. The best of them will be used in the interview Ü is having with them, so be original!
(please send them over before tuesday MArch 30th 11:59PM, so I have time to get back at you!)
Here's all you need to know, save the date!
Thursday April 1st 2010 - doors 10:00PM
location: K-NAL, Havenlaan 1, 1000 BRUSSELS
And if you're feeling lucky, head over to my fellow Belgian blogger, the lovely Immi at Style for guys, he's giving away a pair of tickets as well!
Also, much love to Knotoryus for this opportunity - we all love a giveaway, don't we? Check out their blog & awesome work.
I'll leave you with that, happy friday y'all!
Nice! And cute videos, too!
ha great vids that poster kinda looks like ur heading?! haha i love it!
hope ur well darling and enjoy your weekend xox
Verdomme ik kan ook niet dan he :( ik had de poster al zien hangen in de TH winkel, ziet er zo fokkking vet uit... Succes op je examen in elk geval!
it sounds fun! good luck everyone!
Wowwww that is a great looking line up!! So jealous of you Belgians :)
Breakbot was good!
DAS POP had a great gig in Prague last month and I really enjoyed it and came home with one of the silver balloons that were part of the decoration ;)
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