Saturday, June 27, 2009


Picture from FFFFOUND.COM

This seemed like the only appropriate picture I could post. Insert yesterday's date.
I'm still so sad MJ is really gone, I thought my sister was joking when she told me... When I was younger, we always played his History CD in the car if we were going on a trip or were in the car for several hours. So many fond memories, so let's remember the good times. Sorry I don't want to annoy you, I'm sure you all heard enough about this today, I promise, a proper post tomorrow!


Brigadeiro said...

It is only too true, I wake up to MJ every morning (his first few bars to 'Rock with You' are my morning alarm tone to start my day happy...but so sad)

TMFA said...

Hehehe, classic image.

And MJ was a legend. His music will live on. :)


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