Thursday, January 20, 2011


LSD of course, stands for Lauren Santo Domingo. Quite cool initials she's got there. Mine are SLD, seems like my parents got a bit mixed up while naming me?
Ok but let's talk about her appartment! She's got a wonderful place with lots of interesting bits & pieces. Don't you love peeking into someone's home like that?

If you like these I suggest you head over to for the entire article, I've copied a bit of the text on here, but there's more to read in the original article!

" In the middle of the coffee table is this strange glass beaker that I found by typing “weird science experiment” into eBay. We still have no idea what it is, but when I saw it, I had to buy it."

" In front of the coffee table (next to the copper dome that came from Colombia, where my husband is from) there is a neon-pink stump stool, which I bought because my friend Amanda Brooks told me that every house has to have a “wart,” or one really ugly piece."

"This Lalanne hippo transforms into an amazing full bar, and the drinks inside change depending on the company we are having over—we always try to keep it stocked with the ingredients for our guests’ favorite cocktails."

"This was the guest room but I took it over to make it my office and closet—it’s definitely very feminine. I had the idea of creating this tongue-in-cheek Marie Antoinette Petit Trianon look to the room. Since it's a dual-functioning space, all the doors close so I can take meetings and have fittings, and it looks professional."

I looove Andy Warhol's portrait series, I think their bright colours go so well with all the other patterns in this room!

All pictures via - Pictures by Clairbone Swanson Frank


Gerlin said...

I love the jewellery drawer!

heleen said...

Oh ja ik zag dit al op tfs. Hmm, 't is niet m'n lievelingsstijl qua interieur, maar het toont wel karakter. Veel leuke 'random' objecten ook.


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