but also because I just love pie (& baking).
Allright, so the recipe is loosely adapted from this one (it's a peach + strawberry pie) - be sure to try it out if you're hungry.
This is how it all went down:
(This chopping board has obviously experienced some serious vegetable+fruit-chopping in the past haha. Didn't notice how cut up it was until I saw the picture)
All the peaches need to be peeled first. If they're not really ripe you'll have to boil them a bit first. Don't forget to immediately cool them down afterwards!
Yeah, "flat peaches" (the ones on the right) are all the rage at the supermarket right now. They taste exactly the same as regular sized ones though.
Cut 'em all up!
Again, if your peaches aren't too ripe, try to avoid those red pieces - they can taste quite bitter.
On to the strawberries!
Just a liiiitle bit of lemon
Notice how incredibly easy this recipe is? Just some cutting + mixing required.
Aha, sugar + cinnamon (VERY important).
You can make the dough yourself OR you can be lazy like me & buy some at the store, but to be honest, the dough at the store is as good as the one you'd make yourself, so why bother? (Do use the ones with real butter though!)
Before you close this with the second piece of dough, put some bits of butter here & there.
You'll have to cut away the excess dough on the sides...
Then tuck it in...
Make some slits to let the air escape...
More cinnamon-sugar!
Almost done...
Too bad the pie doesn't look that great, but it was in fact really tasty. This was only the first time I tried this recipe so next time it'll probably look a bit better.
Still, some serious yummy in my tummy! #woohoo
Might be trying this sometime soon. Looks really good!
WOWZA the process was just a massive buildup to a huge tummygrowl!!
Who knew pies were made like that.... heeehee
are you kidding, the pie looks AMAZING! the photos of the peaches made my mouth water, mmm best thing about summer is the fruit! i want to bake now!
omg this post is killing me. i want that pie right now! beautiful photos!
mhamiiiii :D
mmm, ziet er heerlijk uit!!!!
Seg euh Stefanie, dat recept moogt ge me wel eens doorpasseren hoor.
Als je nog naar de Ikea komt: kom voor zaterdag! Want daarna werk ik niet meer. Haha, zou nog wel grappig zijn als we elkaar voor de eerste keer daar zien en niet op een of ander mode-gerelateerd event. TROUWENS hebt ge in de Weekend Knack die wedstrijd voor tickets van de show van Ann Demeulemeester gezien? Ik werd helemaal hysterisch en rende gillend naar m'n pc, haha.
Looks super delicious!
yum yummmmm!!!
another blogger who loves food and fashion *bliss
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