"Wait, so, you don't post for FOUR DAYS and then all you have to say is this cryptic message 'DANKU!'?"
Yes. This is dutch for thank you! Why? Well, it's time to celebrate because this is my 300th post! And where does 'Danku!' come in? Well: thanks for sticking with me! The blog's had its ups & downs - downs being me not posting for days on end, ups being the obvious wonderfull comments I've gotten from you guys!
I hope I'll keep you all amused & inspired for another 300 though. I think this calls for ice cream, right? So run to your freezer, get that Ben & Jerry's deliciousness out and ENJOY!
tijd voor een dame blanche, zonder slagroom graag!
Congratulations on your 300th post!!! :)
How I wish I had Ben & Jerry's ice cream...
How about a Gefeliciteerd! Thank you in turn for a great blog ;)!
c o n g r a t s lady !
have a gorgeous weekend + enjoy your b & j's
Yaay! Nummer 300 al! Proficiat, I love love love YPM aja!
graag gedaan ;)
Congrats on 300 posts!
Congrats on the 300th post! I don't need an excuse to get out Ben and Jerry's, yumm!
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