Editorial from teen vogue november 09. Photographer is Horst Diekgerdes, model is Louise Maselis (she won last year's Elite model look). I actually like these a lot. Who still reads Teen Vogue?
wow -new layout! nice :-) and these images are really sweet, nirvana was exactly what i had in mind aswell.. looks alomost like me when i was 14. all those chequered clothes..
Hehe, ik zie Louise Maselis vaak rondlopen in Leuven, ze gaat hier naar school! t was pas toen ik voor t eerst deze editorial zag, dat ik er van overtuigd was dat ze de gerechtvaardige winnares van de Elite wedstrijd was.
Ugh, volg jij Benelux Next Topmodel trouwens? Ik ben zo teleurgesteld :( dat hele programma is een grap.
reply: it is great! but i haven't really had the time to read that much yet. but, if you enjoy mk and ashley I think it would be a very interesting book for you :-) xx
wow these are great! love the camping/mountain/outdoorsy theme! nice blog!
Gorgeous pics/editorials! I must admit I've never even held a Teen Vogue (have not been a teenager in a decade or two...), but I really must! :)
I do still read teen vogue..!
i like the first picture most :D
gorgeous editorial! teen vogue is addictive!
wow -new layout! nice :-)
and these images are really sweet, nirvana was exactly what i had in mind aswell.. looks alomost like me when i was 14. all those chequered clothes..
Hehe, ik zie Louise Maselis vaak rondlopen in Leuven, ze gaat hier naar school! t was pas toen ik voor t eerst deze editorial zag, dat ik er van overtuigd was dat ze de gerechtvaardige winnares van de Elite wedstrijd was.
Ugh, volg jij Benelux Next Topmodel trouwens? Ik ben zo teleurgesteld :( dat hele programma is een grap.
Absolutely love this setting, great feel!
Much love
i bought teen vogue just for this ed!
i usually just flip through it.
it has some good high/low ideas as it is targeting a younger demographic.
but seriously in love with this shoot!
these photos make me want to be in love!
reply: it is great! but i haven't really had the time to read that much yet. but, if you enjoy mk and ashley I think it would be a very interesting book for you :-)
wow..great feeling (:
xx cody
ok, great, now i want camping !!
in the middle of the parisian rain... ahah ! not so easy here...!
petites curiosités
i still read teen vogue!
Gorgeous editorial, I love the picture of those two beauties in the boat <3 Thanks for sharing!
great editorial. after seeing this i should prob start reading the teen issues as well!
pretty pretty!
makes me wanna snuggle and drink hot chocolate!
These pictures are great. I still love looking at the editorials in Teen Vogue. I think the styling is great !
This editorial is beautiful, made me wanna go and buy a teen vogue... Now that i think about it, i've never bought a teen vogue in my life!
fab editorial! love teen vogue, all eds have this amazing freshness about them!
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