I know, this looks too good to be true, but come May, you'll all be able to get your hands on these AMAZING Scholten & Baijings x HAY glasses.
And yes, Scholten & Baijings are indeed the geniuses behind that tablewear collection I raved about a few months ago (here). You only have to check out their website to fall in love with every single thing they've ever designed. From tableware to cars to furniture, seriously, they can do it all. Oh and HAY, don't get me started on them. I mean seriously. They have it all. Cool furniture, cool bed linnens, cool desk accessories. You can't walk into a HAY shop without screaming 'I WANT IT ALL THANK YOU YES PLEASE' (I dare you).
Of course, Scholten & Baijings are no newbies when it comes to working with HAY, they've done countless of designs for them - and they work together SO well. This is what happens when two great teams join forces, it's called syngergy you guys.
Now feast your eyes on these... There's a carafe + water glasses that come with a blue tint, yellow tint or spot of gold on the bottom, a red wine glass with a stroke of pink, a white wine glass with a black grid on the side and lastly a champagne flute with a stripe of gold (what else).

Images via Designboom